As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson
Your unique gift. Your power.
Most of us are afraid of our own uniqueness. We look at it as a flaw, something negative instead of a catalyst for a better way to be in the world.
These last few weeks I have been finding my own power and learning how to own it and embrace it! I have taken leaps of faith and started trusting myself and my inner Superstar. I have made choices and changes as the capable and resilient person I want to be. Using this mindset shift as my inner guidance system.
I love the visual of an inner Superstar because they seem to know what it is and how to use this power for their greater gain, as a strength. Take Lady Gaga, for example, you may not like her music or her methods, or maybe you do. What makes her authentic is that she knows her power, uses it to make a difference and owns it on every level. She doesn't try to be someone she's not. She doesn't change the way she lives her life or works her business to suit what other people want or don't want. She is acting on and making decisions from what her unique perspectives are of her work and life.
Using Your Power for Inner Strength
This weekend I participated in The American Cancer Society’s local Relay for Life. What I noticed was that each cancer survivor there had found their inner power, their strength and owned it during and after their battle with cancer, because their life depended on it.
When I was working with a client this last week, we worked with embracing her inner business woman. When my client embraces and owns her inner business woman, she works from a place of strength and truth. She feels less fear. She knows what needs to be done at the moment. She works her business from her values and priorities. She is a blessing to the people around her. She has unlimited confidence. She knows that she is already successful!
Just imagine for a minute if you discovered your inner power and completely owned it in your daily life. What would your inner Superstar do with your day? How would you live your life from a place of strength? What changes would you make? What would you do differently? Who would you associate with?
I challenge you this week to look inside yourself and discover a visual that represents your inner power (your inner GPS) and live from that place for a week. Really own it! It may be a Superstar, a Rockstar or a CEO, whatever it is, find it.
Live your life this week tapping into your strength and focus your energy on being authentic.
Start designing your life from this place and see what unfolds for you.
Please feel free to share with me what your vision is for your inner power, in the comments section.
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